Su búsqueda retornó 3 resultados.

1. Libros The colonial experience in education : historical issues and perspectives / Marc Depaepe ... [et al.] ; ed. António Nóvoa ... [et al.]

por International Standing Conference for the History of Education (15 : 1993 : Lisboa, Portugal) | Depaepe, Marc | Nóvoa, António | Fernandes, Rogério | Escolano, Agustín | Lahoz, Purificación | Boone, Guus | Gronendijk, Leendert | Paulo, João Carlos | Randall, Peter | Chabchoub, Ahmed | Omolewa, Michael | Rompaey, Lies Van | Errante, Antoinette | Belkaïd, Malika | Coté, Joost | Hyams, Bernard | Anderzén, Sölve | Herbst, Jürgen | Titley, Brian | Julia, Dominique | Nóvoa, António [, ed.] | Depaepe, Marc [, ed. ] | Johanningmeier, Erwin V [, ed.].

Tipo de material: Texto Texto Editor: Gent : Centre for Study of History of Education, CSHP , 1995Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Académica Malvina Perazo [Signatura topográfica: 376.7 C719c] (1).

2. Libros The challenge of the visual in the history of education / ed. Marc Depaepe ... [et al.] ; colab. James C. Albisetti ... [et al.]

por Depaepe, Marc [, ed. ] | Henkens, Bregt [, ed.] | Albisetti, James C [, colab. ] | Dekker, Jeroen J.H [, colab.] | D'Hoker, Mark [, colab. ] | Frank, Simon [, colab. ] | Tollebeek, Jo [, colab.].

Tipo de material: Texto Texto Editor: Gent : Centre for Study of History of Education, CSHP , 2000Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Académica Malvina Perazo [Signatura topográfica: 37.015.4 C437c] (1).

3. Libros Order in progress : everyday educational practice in primary schools, Belgium, 1880-1970 / Marc Depaepe ; in cooperation with Kristof Dams ... [et al.]

por Depaepe, Marc | Dams, Kristof [, in cooperation with ] | Vroede, Maurits de [, in cooperation with] | Eggermont, Betty [, in cooperation with ] | Lauwers, Hilde [, in cooperation with] | Simon, Frank [, in cooperation with ] | Vandenberghe, Roland [, in cooperation with ] | Verhoeven, Jef [, in cooperation with ].

Tipo de material: Texto Texto Editor: Leuven : Leuven University Press , 2000Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles Pedido (1).