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Order in progress : everyday educational practice in primary schools, Belgium, 1880-1970 / Marc Depaepe ; in cooperation with Kristof Dams ... [et al.]

Por: Depaepe, Marc.
Colaborador(es): Dams, Kristof [, in cooperation with ] | Vroede, Maurits de [, in cooperation with] | Eggermont, Betty [, in cooperation with ] | Lauwers, Hilde [, in cooperation with] | Simon, Frank [, in cooperation with ] | Vandenberghe, Roland [, in cooperation with ] | Verhoeven, Jef [, in cooperation with ].
Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries (Studia paedagogica. New series ; 29).Editor: Leuven : Leuven University Press , 2000Descripción: 265 p.ISBN: 9058670341.Tema(s): HISTORIA DE LA EDUCACION | ENSEÑANZA PRIMARIA | SIGLO XIX | SIGLO XX | BELGICA
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