Teoría y problemas de geometría analítica plana y del espacio / Joseph H. Kindle ; traducción y adaptación Luis Gutiérrez Díez
by Kindle, Joseph H | Gutiérrez Díez, Luis [, tr. y adaptación] | Gutiérrez Vázquez, Ángel [, tr. y adaptación]. Material type: Text Publisher: México, D.F. : McGraw-Hill , 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica UACO
[Call number: 514.12 K517t]
Teoría y problemas álgebra elemental moderna / Barnett Rich ; traducción Eduardo A. Caro Caycedo
by Rich, Barnett | Caro Caycedo, Eduardo A [tr.]. Edition: 1a. ed. en españolMaterial type: Text Publisher: México, D.F. : McGraw-Hill , 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica UACO
[Call number: 512 R498t]
Problems supplement to accompany Vector mechanics for engineers : dynamics / Ferdinand P. Beer
by Beer, Ferdinand P | Russell Johnston, E. Edition: 5th. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill , 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 531.3 B415p5 supl.]
Client/server architecture / Alex Berson
by Berson, Alex. Edition: 2nd. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill , 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica UACO
[Call number: 004.451.83 B535c2]
Essentials of understanding Psychology / Robert S. Feldman
by Feldman, Robert S. Edition: 2nd. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, NY : McGraw-Hill , 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 159.9 F312e2]
Microcomputer applications / Robert Grauer
by Grauer, Robert | Sugrue, Paul. Edition: 3rd. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, NY : McGraw-Hill , 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 004 G774m3]
Fundamentals of fluid film lubrication / Bernard J. Hamrock
by Hamrock, Bernard J. Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill , 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 621.89 H232f]
Data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming / Gregory L. Heileman
by Heileman, Gregory L. Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill , 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 004.045 H466d]
Finite mathematics with calculus / Laurence D. Hoffmann
by Hoffmann, Laurence D | Bradley, Gerald L. Edition: 2nd. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, NY : McGraw-Hill , 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 51 H711f2]
Applications of calculus : selected topics from the environmental and life sciences / Anthony Barcellos
by Barcellos, Anthony. Material type: Text Publisher: New York, NY : McGraw-Hill , 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: F517.2 B242a]
Applied finite mathematics / Laurence D. Hoffmann
by Hoffmann, Laurence D | Bradley, Gerald L. Edition: 2nd. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, NY : McGraw-Hill , 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 51 H711a2]
Teoría y problemas de dinámica de fluidos / William F. Hughes John A. Brighton ; traducción y adaptación Ricardo Rincon
by Hughes, William F | Brighton, John A | Rincon, Ricardo [, tr. y adaptación] | Acevedo, Félix [, tr. y adaptación]. Edition: 1a. ed. en españolMaterial type: Text Publisher: México, D.F. : McGraw-Hill , 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica UACO
[Call number: 532 H894t]
Contemporary health issues : student study guide / Glenn D. Kammen ; edición Sally V. Beaty
by Kammen, Glenn D | Beaty, Sally V [ed.]. Edition: 4th. ed. rev.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill , 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 616 K156c4]
Workbook to accompany puntos de partida : an invitation to spanish / Alice A. Arana
by Arana, Alice A | Arana, Oswaldo. Edition: 4th. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill , 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 811.134.2 A662w4]
Laboratory manual to accompany puntos de partida : an invitation to spanish / María Sabló-Yates ; colaboración Ana María Pérez-Gironés
by Sabló-Yates, María | Pérez-Gironés, Ana María [, colab.]. Edition: 4th. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill , 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 811.134.2 S117l4]
Microeconomics : principles, problems, and policies / Campbell R. McConnell ... [et al.]
by McConnell, Campbell R | Brue, Stanley L. Edition: 13th. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, NY : McGraw-Hill , 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 330.101.542 M129m13]
Study guide to accompany McConnell and Brue Microeconomics / William B. Walstad
by Walstad, William B | Bingham, Robert C. Edition: 13th. ed.Material type: Text Publisher: New York, NY : McGraw-Hill , 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 330.101.542 M129m13 supl.]
Windows 3.1 : with introduction to the labs / Timothy J. O'Leary
by O'Leary, Timothy J | O'Leary, Linda I. Material type: Text Publisher: Boston, Mass. : McGraw Hill , 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Académica Hilda S. Gabriel
[Call number: 004.51 O454w]
Computing essentials : annual edition 1995-1996 / Timothy J. O'Leary
by O'Leary, Timothy J | O'Leary, Linda I. Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw Hill , 1995Availability: Items available for reference: SIUNPA
[Call number: R004(058) O454c 1995]
Computing essentials : annual edition 1996-1997 / Timothy J. O'Leary
by O'Leary, Timothy J | O'Leary, Linda I. Material type: Text Publisher: New York, N.Y. : McGraw Hill , 1996Availability: Items available for reference: SIUNPA
[Call number: R004(058) O454c 1996]