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International conference on information and knowledge management : expanding the definition of database / Finin, Timothy W., ed. ; Nicholas, Charles K., ed. ; Yesha, Yelena, ed.

Por: International Conference, CIKM '92 (1st : 1992 : Baltimore, Md.).
Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries (Lecture notes in computer science ; 752).Editor: Berlin New York, N.Y. : Springer-Verlag , 1993Descripción: 142 p. : il.ISBN: 3540574190; 0387574190.Tema(s): BASE DE DATOS | CIKM '92
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Biblioteca Académica Malvina Perazo
Colección General 004.65 I612c 1 (Navegar estantería) Disponible 05-48423
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