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History of educational studies / ed. Peter Drewek ... [et al.] ; in cooperation with Richard Aldrich ... [et al.]

Colaborador(es): Drewek, Peter [, ed. ] | Lüth, Christoph [, ed.] | Aldrich, Richard [, in cooperation with ] | Scholtz, Harald [, in cooperation with] | Schriewer, Jürgen [. in cooperation with ] | Tenorth, Heinz-Elmar [, in cooperation with].
Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries (Paedagogica historica. Supplementary series ; 3).Editor: Gent : Centre for Study of History of Education, CSHP , 1998Descripción: xv, 332 p.ISBN: 908004976X.ISSN: 00309230.Otro título: = Geschichte der Erziehungswissenschaft = Histoire des sciences de l'education.Tema(s): HISTORIA DE LA EDUCACION | TEORIA DE LA EDUCACION
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Biblioteca Académica Malvina Perazo
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