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Education and cultural transmission : historical studies of continuity and change in families, schooling and youth cultures / ed. Johan Sturm ... [et al.]

Por: International Standing Conference for the History of Education (16 : 1994 : Amsterdam).
Colaborador(es): Sturm, Johan [, ed. ] | Dekker, Jeroen [, ed.] | Aldrich, Richard [, ed. ] | Simon, Frank [, ed.].
Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries (Paedagogica historica. Supplementary series ; 2).Editor: Gent : Centre for Study of History of Education, CSHP , 1996Descripción: 360 p.ISBN: 9080049736.ISSN: 00309230.Tema(s): HISTORIA DE LA EDUCACION | TEORIA DE LA EDUCACION
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