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Kent Beck’s guide to better Smalltalk : a sorted collection / Kent Beck ; foreword Ralph Johnson ; afterword Ward Cunningham

Por: Beck, Kent.
Colaborador(es): Johnson, Ralph [, foreword] | Cunningham, Ward [, afterword].
Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries (SIGS reference library ; 14).Editor: Cambridge, Mass. : Cambridge University Press , 1999Descripción: xvi, 408 p. : il.ISBN: 0521644372.Tema(s): DESARROLLO DE SOFTWARE | PROGRAMACION DE COMPUTADORA | PROGRAMACION ORIENTADA A OBJETOS | LENGUAJE DE PROGRAMACION | SMALLTALK
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Biblioteca Académica UACO
Colección General 004.43 B393k (Navegar estantería) Disponible 02-07881
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En cubierta: the best of beck! Collected and introduced by the author!

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