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International beta genetic resources network, a report on the 2nd international beta genetic resources workshop held at the instituct for crop science and plant breeding, braunsehweig, germany, 24 - 28 june 1991 : a report on the 2nd international beta genetic resources workshop held at the instituct for crop science and plant breeding, braunsehweig, germany, 24 - 28 june 1991

Por: IBPGR International Board for Plant Genetic Resources.
Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries International Crop Network Series 7 ; 7. International Crop Network Series 7; 7.Editor: Rome : IBPGR , 1992Descripción: il.ISBN: 9290432144.Tema(s): CHINA | IRAN | EUROPE | GENETIC | GENETICA
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Biblioteca Académica Malvina Perazo
Colección General 9942 (Navegar estantería) Disponible 05-09942
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